The government points out to entrepreneurs the need for eRecognition
Entrepreneurs should purchase an eHerkenning login tool as soon as possible, because more and more government agencies, including the UWV and the Tax Authorities, are making eHerkenning mandatory.
ERecognition is comparable to DigiD for citizens. With eHerkenning, entrepreneurs can safely log in to online government services. In order to use eHerkenning, a login method must be requested. Several recognized suppliers offer such a login tool, where, in addition to various price levels, different security levels for the login tool are also possible. Some government services require 'only' security level 1, while the Tax Authorities require security level 3.
When applying for a login for eHerkenning, the identity of the applicant is thoroughly screened. It is also possible to authorize employees to arrange specific services on behalf of their organization. According to the government, this ensures that an organization has more certainty about the online identity of the person they are doing business with. This should help prevent errors and fraud.
Unlike DigiD, eHerkenning is not one technical facility. For example, multi-factor authentication is used, for example by entering a code via SMS in addition to a password.
Approved suppliers
The login tools are supplied by several recognized suppliers. They operate in a network. The suppliers have made agreements with the government on strict requirements for safety, reliability and the protection of personal data. The government promises to check whether the parties are complying with them.
Benefits agency UWV wants to make eHerkenning mandatory for logging in to the employer portal from 1 November 2019. Government services that already use eHerkenning are the Tax Authorities, the National Road Transport Agency (RDW), the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) and the Education Executive Agency (DUO). According to the government, there are more than 400 organizations in the (semi-)public sector where secure login with eHerkenning is already possible.