Power-to-heat for a smart installation

Energy savings, reduction of CO2 emissions and reduction of waste of materials and raw materials are the order of the day. In addition to circularity and heat integration, electrification within energy transmission is an option for further sustainability of the industry.

During the ENERGY event, JUMO wants to pay attention to power-to-heat and electrification of heating processes. With the help of smart control technology, it is possible to further improve returns and save costs.

By applying electrification in cooling and heating processes (e.g. food industry), heat and cooling can be used smarter and more sustainably. In addition to this so-called power-to-heat process (electrifying heat), heat pumps and boilers offer a direct energy-saving effect. If they use sustainably generated energy, fossil natural gas use is significantly reduced or even completely displaced. Like electro-thermal options, hydrogen offers opportunities for electrification in industry. In the chemical industry, for example, hydrogen gas is used as a raw material for ammonia and fertilizer. Other applications of hydrogen are found in the electricity network where it serves as a buffer, whether or not bound to another atom or as a molecule. Hydrogen also serves as a fuel for high-temperature processes.

JUMO has an extensive range of industrial sensors and automation solutions that can support the power-to-heat process and the use of hydrogen in industry.

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