A trial has started with a hydrogen boiler from Remeha in an apartment complex in Rozenburg, a sub-municipality of Rotterdam. According to the manufacturer, this is a world first.

Remeha is working on the sustainability project with grid operator Stedin and Housing Foundation Ressort Wonen. The green hydrogen is produced by feeding an electrolyser with electricity supplied by a local wind turbine. The hydrogen is sent via gas pipes to a Remeha hydrogen central heating boiler in the apartment complex.

By burning the hydrogen in the boiler, the homes in the complex can be heated. According to Remeha it is the first time that a central heating boiler in practice is fired by green hydrogen and supplies heat to an existing central heating system.

General Manager of Remeha, Arthur van Schayk, says about the project: “A successful and affordable energy transition is based on these types of innovations. Together with the entire chain, we demonstrate what we are capable of and demonstrate our innovative power. The Netherlands can use this knowledge and experience to heat our homes sustainably and comfortably.”

The Power-To-Gas (P2G) testing ground is located next to the apartment complex. Various partners work together here on new technologies. In the coming years, the participants in the pilot want to convert green-generated electricity into sustainable hydrogen on a larger scale.

The first pilot in the Netherlands will be followed by a larger-scale trial in Leeds, British. There, 500 households must be heated with hydrogen boilers.

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