Piet Slenders works at the educational institution Fontys Hogeschool in Eindhoven for the Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering courses. He has been a member of the Dutch EMC-ESD association for a few months now to delve deeper into the current developments and knowledge in the field of EMC. This is to keep up with the current developments as a teacher. It is also a personal/hobby interest. He introduces himself to you below:

After working in the business world for about 7 years, I went to education and have been working here for almost 5 years in the electrical engineering department. Within this department, we focus specifically on electronics.

From traditional education, the electrical engineering program has switched to working with learning outcomes, so that the student is more stimulated to follow his intrinsic motivation. In addition, the student has more choice to delve into certain themes.

Within the training, various EMC practicals have been developed and carried out with students as a deepening during their studies. Especially because it is very educational and also fun to do!

In the future I expect even faster (more powerful) semiconductor techniques and more electrification (power electronics). This will lead to new EMC developments and requirements in the future. Within Fontys I expect to work on even more integration of EMC/ESD knowledge within our new curriculum.

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