Test chambers from Weiss Technik without fluorinated gas from 2025

The revised EU regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases has been in force since 11 March 2024. The introduction of the category ‘stand-alone refrigeration equipment’ means that almost all new environmental simulation systems (climate chambers) must be converted to new refrigerants by January 2025 – instead of 2030 as originally planned. Exceptions only apply for “safety requirements”.
Only flammable gases or CO2 (R744) reach the new limit of 150 for the “Global Warming Potential (GWP). Since temperature and climate test chambers use a heating system in addition to a refrigeration machine, flammable refrigerants are not an option. Weiss Technik has already proven this with the introduction of the refrigerant R469A/WT69 in 2019 and has had its own substance mixtures certified with the classification A1 (non-flammable, non-toxic). At that time, components for CO2 refrigeration machines were either not available for common device sizes or were too expensive. This has changed in recent years.
The prevailing pressure in CO2 refrigeration units (i.e. 57 bar, even at 20°C) requires high-pressure-resistant components up to 120 bar. These are now available in the quality required for environmental simulation systems and have been intensively tested by Weiss Technik. The test chambers, which run exclusively on CO2, are currently being delivered to beta testers.
CO2 with the identification R744 is a highly efficient refrigerant that offers many advantages up to the physical limit at −56°C. Among other things, smaller components are used that are more energy-efficient. The noise level of the cabinets is also lower. And the purchase costs are lower compared to expensive −70°C cascade systems. In addition, the Fluorinated Gas Regulation does not apply to pure CO2 refrigeration units. This means that the leak tests laid down therein do not apply.
Weiss Technik will convert a large part of the −40°C range to CO2 with GWP 1 by the end of 2024. During the year, customers should prepare for the discontinuation of many equipment models that currently use R449A as a refrigerant. Orders for systems that operate with previous refrigerants can still be placed until autumn 2024 (depending on delivery time). However, they must be delivered by the end of the year so that they can continue to be operated.
Source: Weiss Technik GmbH