Digital and data-driven products and services are means to increase value for customer groups. To make it clear what Schiphol does and does not invest in, three value streams have been defined: customer experience, smart assets & buildings and airport & airline performance. These three influence each other, because if the planes depart on time more often, this will have an impact on the passenger experience. The same applies to equipment such as baggage belts, escalators and air conditioning: when these facilities have fewer disruptions, this leads to a better experience for everyone who uses the airport.

Schiphol uses its own data from dozens of systems, from the gates where people have to scan their boarding passes to data from no fewer than seventy thousand sensors. All these data sources come together on one platform. This data hub is used by the airport itself for the development of new digital services, but the data is also shared with other parties who can in turn improve their services.

An example is the data-driven cleaning of toilets, among other things. It measures how many people visit the toilets and real-time feedback is generated via the smileys. Schiphol receives no fewer than five hundred thousand reviews in this way every month. Cleaning companies used to clean according to fixed schedules, but now they can do so based on data.

Schiphol does not focus on the technology, but starts with the person who Schiphol wants to support with this technology. What are his needs? Does the technological innovation match his way of thinking and doing? And take organizations through what digitalization can mean. 

During the session by Erik Felëus, Smart Building Developer at Schiphol Real Estate, questions will be discussed such as which strategic choices have been made with regard to data and the data platform. These questions are answered in an introductory interactive lecture, followed by a round table discussion about the application of data at Schiphol Real Estate and the strategic choices made.

Together with the panel members, Erik will investigate the application of data and what keeps the panel members of these organizations busy. What was the approach of the panel members? In this discussion we stay away from vision and ambition. This session is about the approach and the lessons learned.

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