The Complex-line Type 90 is a certified system solution that is specially designed for filling and/or transferring hazardous substances from barrels or jerry cans to, for example, smaller packages. 
Simple commissioning thanks to plug-in, pre-assembled connections enables flexible work processes and more efficient organization. The electrically conductive interior fittings and grounding cables with alligator clips comply with TRGS 727. And the safe transfer of media from jerry cans and drums to smaller packages complies with TRGS 509. 

  • The revolving doors remain open in any position but are protected with a thermal mechanism that closes the doors automatically in the event of fire. 
  • The diaphragm pump is controlled using compressed air. In the event of fire, an automatic emergency stop of the pump is activated when the doors are closed.
  • The filling speed is infinitely adjustable by means of a pressure regulator.
  • Extraction takes place directly at the tap and minimizes the explosive atmosphere during filling.
  • The cabinet stands on 4 legs, making it accessible from all sides with a pallet truck and therefore easy to transport (finished with a plinth, front and 2 sides).

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches