ICT Group participates in co-creation in the design and implementation of a bachelor's program with 10 blocks.

Cyber security is in the spotlight. Certainly because of the many news reports about hacks that are increasingly reaching us, but also because of the growing number of solutions to test and improve your security, such as ethical hacking and pentesting. Because how do you approach that properly? How can you get started preventively?

Security OT underexposed

In order to provide a good answer to this, Avans University of Applied Sciences and ICT Group have completely revised the existing Cyber Security module in co-creation. One of the most important additions is the focus on the OT environment, Operational Technology. This concerns the automation of the (industrial) production environment with, for example, machines and robots. OT often remains underexposed in cyber security, even though the risks are greatest there. We spoke with Maurice van Haperen from Avans and Marco Rijkschopf and Pascal Maus from the Industrial Cyber Security unit within the ICT Group.

Cyber security from the field

Maurice: “There is a great demand for cyber security knowledge in the field, which is why we would like to offer a module in which we collaborate with cyber security professionals from this field. ICT Group already provides training at Avans and is an expert in cyber security, so it is a perfect time to work together. We now think much more from the field of work itself. This also makes the module suitable for both software engineers and consultants, who each operate in their own role, but also have to collaborate with each other. Cyber security is truly a joint effort.”

Marco: “We focus on the technical side of cyber security and the business side. This is necessary, because both offer plenty of opportunities to improve your cyber security. The NIST cyber security framework is the common thread for the module. There is a universal enterprise architecture idea behind this that suits every organization, so that you always find a connection with your own business situation.”

“To prepare students as best as possible for their transition to the business world, collaboration with trainers is crucial for ICT Group. This co-creation with Avans shows how we bring work and education together.”
– Erwin Pouwels, Strategic Partner Director ICT Group

Every IT professional already practices cyber security

How do you ensure that you are complete? That is the big question for every organization. Marco: “Every IT professional already does cyber security, but are you doing enough, what else can you do? Completely preventing yourself from being hacked is an illusion, so make sure you prepare for that! In the module we therefore cover all facets, from prevention to recovery after an incident. The practical side, such as conducting a risk analysis and using ethical hacking, is also discussed. We take a detailed look at how attackers work. How do you ensure that you take the correct basic measures (cyber hygiene), how do you use standards, such as ISO27001 and the industrial standard IEC/ISA62443? And how do you deal with vulnerabilities in IT or OT? We give participants insight into what they see and what it means. We lay the foundation to then go into depth ourselves and look for the nuance.”

From the field

Pascal: “We especially want to show the breadth of the cyber security profession. That's why we also added the OT environment. A lot of cyber security focuses on the IT side, because that is where we have the most experience. But OT is crucial for business operations within industry and vital infrastructure. When a factory is shut down, the problems quickly become incalculable. We also want to express this in this module. Where are the vulnerabilities, how serious are the consequences? Once you have this clear, you work on solutions to improve cyber security. Based on our expertise and experience in the field, we can share a lot of knowledge about this in the course. And that's not just IT-related.”

Full width of the compartment

“You also have to examine your organization, your processes, your procedures. It is not without reason that Security by Design is a module within the courses. In this way you lay a preventive foundation with which a lot can be gained. You then build on that with IT-related solutions. We teach you to think and act based on the continuity of your business and let you experience the profession from the full breadth. Through the collaboration with Avans, we combine their educational guidance with our expertise in cyber security. Perfect for anyone who wants to develop further in this profession.”

Cyber Security module

The Cyber Security module is part of the Avans part-time Computer Science and Business IT & Management courses. But you can also take this module as a separate course! The total duration of this course is 10 weeks. You take classes online, physically at school (afternoon + evening) and complete assignments at your own workplace.

The course is based on a case study about a water board. You conclude the course with an advisory report that focuses on the IT and OT cyber security of your own organization. The course starts this year in early November. You can register until October 10 via https://www.avans.nl/studeren/cursussen/cybersecurity. Here you will find more information and you can ask questions to study advisors.


More information?

Contact Pascal Maus

Business Unit Manager Industrial Cyber Security
E-mail: pascal.maus@improveqs.nl  
Mobile: +31 6 54 636 638
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