The Minisymposium Substances is organised twice a year by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management together with VNO-NCW, VNCI and WECF. This year the theme will be 'Insights for the Industry: what do developments in the field of substances mean for you'. The symposium will take place on 19 April from 13:30 to 17:00 in the Malietoren.

The speakers will discuss current developments in regulations, policies and transitions that have an effect on the chemical industry, companies and society from different perspectives (government, industry, civil society). The common thread: what do these developments mean for you, how do you experience them, and how do you apply them? The chairman of this edition is Kees Hoppener, management team directorate Environmental Safety & Environmental Risks, IenW.

1:00 PM – Walk-in

1:30 PM – Opening
The mini-symposium is opened.

1:35 PM – Presentations
Safe and Sustainable by Design – Professor van Rooij, Maastricht University
The revision of the CLP Regulation – Fen Hiah, VWS
The delegated act hazard classes CLP – Andre Muller, RIVM
Stimulus Programme Chemical Substances – Mieke Klooswijk, IenW
We have a plan! The Industry Transition Paths explained. – Rosienne Steensma, VNCI

3:00 PM – Break

3:30 PM – Continuation of presentations (see box above)

3:55 PM – Panel Discussion
Panel discussion with the speakers and participants of the symposium on presented developments and consequences for industry, civil society and government.
Closing of the mini-symposium
The mini-symposium is concluded.

5:00 PM – Networking drinks

Practical information
Registration: you can register until April 12, 2023 via Please indicate which organization you belong to. The mini-symposium will only take place physically at VNO-NCW in the Malietoren. The address is Bezuidenhoutseweg 12, The Hague. We recommend that you travel by train to The Hague Central Station. If you come by car, the easiest place to park is in the Q-park garage Malieveld. Parking at VNO-NCW is not possible. The mini-symposium is open to everyone, but the meeting itself is private. Let yourself be inspired by the mini-symposium, but refrain from quoting.

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