Webinar: SLIM subsidy and the MKB!dee scheme
VNO-NCW, MKB-Nederland and the ministries of Social Affairs and Employment and Economic Affairs and Climate are organizing a webinar on Tuesday 16 June about the SLIM subsidy and the MKB!dee scheme. These are two subsidy schemes for SMEs that help entrepreneurs create a learning environment within the company.
The SLIM subsidy was created to support SME entrepreneurs in setting up the Lifelong Development trajectory in their company. This subsidy is available for various types of applications, such as developing a training plan for employees of the company.
The other scheme is the MKB!dee subsidy scheme. This is also primarily intended to support companies that want to invest in training and development of personnel. The scheme is basically a financial contribution to solve bottlenecks for entrepreneurs and is available for all sectors.
During the webinar on 16 June, you will receive an explanation of these regulations and the preconditions that apply. Various examples will also be presented. The webinar will be held twice on 16 June: from 10:00 to 13:00 or from 14:00 to 15:30.
You can register via the following linkYou will then receive an access link for the webinar shortly before the meeting.
Would you like to know more about the MKB!dee scheme? Then see the following link.
More information about the SLIM subsidy is here to find.