The laboratory is a major consumer of energy, materials, plastics and water. The question is therefore not whether sustainability is on the agenda in the lab, but which measures have the highest priority. Lab managers are looking for sustainable solutions. Do you offer them? Then bring them to the attention during the X-pedition “Sustainable solutions for the lab”.

During WoTS 2024 we also offer the familiar concept of the X-peditions with the theme of Sustainability. An X-pedition is an interactive trade fair tour in which visitors follow a route past a maximum of six exhibitors in order to gain targeted knowledge about sustainable solutions. At each stand a different topic is discussed and a knowledge question is asked about this.

Participating in an X-pedition means:

  • Extra exposure of your company in the communication process prior to the fair; by mentioning it in newsletters, articles and the stock exchange newspaper.
  • Profiling your company on the theme of sustainability.
  • More visitors to your stand.
  • Are you interested in joining this X-pedition? You can register via this link. If you have any questions or would like more information, please send an email to

    In addition to the X-pedition with the theme Sustainability, there are also a few places available at the X-peditons with the theme Sample management and Analysis techniques. Interested? Send an email to

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