AEP International is the global supplier of electronic components, systems and tools. We have been supporting the maritime, medical, rail, aerospace and many other industries for more than 35 years.

With a high degree of involvement and knowledge of the market, we provide companies with quality products.

Fast response time
We are well aware that companies cannot afford downtime. That is why flexibility is of the utmost importance. And we always have components in stock for critical applications. These can be shipped within 24 hours.

We represent strong brands such as Teledyne e2v, Maxwell technologies ultracapacitors, LeClanché capacitors, HVR International resistors, Astro Tooling and many more...

Over the past 35 years, AEP International has grown into a company with global offices in the Netherlands, the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Korea, China and Japan.

We distribute our products through the following five product lines: AEP Marine Parts, AEP Linac, AEP Hybrid Power, AEP Components and AEP Tools.


AEP International BV Van hennaertweg 9 2952CA Alblasserdam Tel: 0786922100 Priscilla Happiness
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