Celsius Benelux BV

About Celsius Benelux
Celsius Benelux ensures a healthy climate in your building. We supply complete, sustainable systems and installations for energy management, climate, security and lighting. Because we know better than anyone else how the systems work, you can also count on us for maintenance.
Celsius Benelux is compact, but don't underestimate us: we like to take on beautiful, complex projects. We are flexible and always at the forefront of technology. We combine newly available techniques with our years of experience so that you can always rely on the quality. We already offer our customers for their projects what will be applied on a larger scale in the future.
Our goal: more functionality with less hardware. In other words: we primarily offer our customers ease of use – with the added benefit of clear energy savings. We work with high-quality hardware products and develop additional software ourselves if necessary. We use freely available technology, web-based, as much as possible because it is both user-friendly and maintenance-friendly.
Cliché but true: Celsius Benelux is also about the people. Our energetic team delivers on all our promises. No project is too complex, no service request too complicated. Celsius Benelux exists thanks to the enthusiastic efforts and involvement of its employees.
Working at Celsius Benelux stands for 'delivering together what has been promised' in a challenging technological environment with attention for each other and room for growth and personal development.
Celsius Benelux invests in its relationships. We enjoy long-term collaboration with our employees, customers, suppliers and subcontractors, a relationship characterized by openness and honesty. We will be celebrating our 25th anniversary on November 11, 2021.