DVC Machinevision bv

DVC - your best partner in vision systems
Since 2004, DVC Machinevision bv has been the partner in machine vision systems for OEMs in the Benelux and we jointly supply solutions worldwide. This varies from the unique distribution of A-brand machine vision components to the development of customer-specific machine vision systems for food, robot and sports applications.
DVC actively invests in technological innovation for the vision market, which is reflected in innovative vision systems. Partnership is our priority in our close collaboration with OEMs and vision system integrators.
DVC and its suppliers share the same corporate philosophy: Delivering very high quality products at an affordable price with reliable and short delivery times. Our knowledge and expertise means that you as a customer are assured of the right and best products for your own vision solution; both technically and commercially.
In addition to supplying all individual machine vision components, DVC also develops and implements its own customer-specific OEM modules, or customer-specific solutions. Our OEM inspection modules are suitable for machine builders where the development and production of a camera inspection system does not fit within their own core business. DVC is happy to think and work with you.
1.Machine Vision Components
DVC offers a wide range >>machine vision components:
- Industrial cameras
- 2D and 3D Smart cameras / embedded systems
- Camera housings
- Machine vision software
- Frame grabbers
- Lenses
- Relief
Naturally, we offer the necessary technical support. Thanks to our knowledge and expertise, the customer is assured of the right and best products for their own machine vision solution. Our added value is that we select not only technical but also commercial off-the-shelf vision components from suppliers worldwide.
2.Machine Vision Systems for the OEM
In addition to the sale of vision components, DVC develops and implements various successful customer-specific OEM modules/vision systems. Despite the fact that we can serve various markets with our extensive technological know-how, we specifically focus on:
- OEM Food: Including the food industry as well as the robot industry that uses Vision Guided Robotics (VGR)
- OEM Non-food: including sports applications for top and competitive athletes
DVC's become OEM modules custom developed for machine builders where the development and production of a camera inspection system does not fit within the core business.