Sakura Finetek Holland

Sakura Finetek Group is an international manufacturer and supplier of first-class, high-quality medical diagnostic products. We develop, produce and sell instruments and consumables for the processing of patient tissue in the pre-analytical phase of the pathology protocol. This includes products for tissue cutting, identification, processing and embedding, microtomy, staining/mounting and archiving, as well as robotics for complete lab automation.
Behind every sample, tissue block and section lies a personal story of someone - young or old, woman or man, grandmother or son - who is anxiously awaiting the diagnosis in great uncertainty, where every day, every hour and every minute is one too many .
Sakura's mission is to continuously strive to advance cancer diagnostics in anatomic pathology. We understand the need to improve the efficiency of the current diagnostic process to minimize the impact on someone's life.
We are committed to being the first to realize future innovative possibilities by delivering the best and latest solutions in the market. Smarter solutions and customer-driven services that enable pathology professionals to deliver accurate and faster diagnoses with the aim of optimizing the success of treatment for every patient.