About Dirksen

Dirksen Opleidingen has grown from a specialist in electronics training to one all-round trainer for everyone who has or will have to deal with technical ICT. We have more than 55 years of experience in training individuals and groups. Our courses are developed "in-house". We do this together with one team of motivated teachers and authors. All these people have extensive practical experience and are happy to pass on their knowledge to you. 

With us, theoretical knowledge is always linked to a strong link to practice. During the study, we make you aware of how and why you apply what you have learned and what this contributes to the bigger picture of your organization. In this way you can effectively store what you have learned and apply it in your own work situation both during and after the study. This increases your appreciation, commitment and motivation for your performance. This makes studying even more fun! 

We would like to help you successfully complete your studies. We guide you from choosing the right study to preparing for your exam. Contact our training advisors for training advice without obligation. Call 026 - 3 544 644 or email to Studieadvies@dirksen.nl







Also for custom work and in-company

Bij Dirksen kun je kiezen uit een ruim aanbod aan opleidingen en trainingen op zowel mbo- als hbo-niveau. Ons gehele opleidingsaanbod kunnen wij voor bedrijven naar wens aanpassen. Of het nu gaat om het aantal cursisten, de cursusinhoud, de locatie of de prijs, onze opleidingsadviseur Koen Cuppen informeert je graag over de mogelijkheden:

T 026 - 3 544 640
M 06 - 11 35 45 33


Nijverheidsweg 21 6662 NG Elst
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