BioSPX, part of Beun-De Ronde BV

BioSPX is a daughter company of Beun de Ronde BV, that has been a distributor of laboratory equipment in The Netherlands and Belgium for almost a 100 years.
BioSPX is focused on all equipment related to Life Sciences. Besides distributing these systems, BioSPX offers installations, maintenance, user training and support. BioSPX currently offers systems like, for example, absorbance & fluorescence measurements, live cell imaging, flow cytometry, Real-Time Cell analysis and gel documentation. Furthermore, automated washers and dispensers for microplates are part of the catalogue.
These systems are used in many different research groups and companies in the Benelux. Every day, a relatively small team works on sales, maintenance and demonstration of the various systems at BioSPX.
The sales team approaches potential customers to see if BioSPX can offer tailor-made solutions in their laboratories. Different product specialists, with knowledge on system performance, configurations and possible applications, give advice on setting up experiments and using the right settings. The service department ensures the correct installation of the equipment and is able to respond quickly and adequately when maintenance is required.