EMC-ESD Lunchsessie
“Supraharmonics from switched-mode power supplies in low-voltage grids”

“Supraharmonics from switched-mode power supplies in low-voltage grids”
Hierbij nodigen wij je uit voor de online lunchsessie van prof. Leonardo Sandrolini op donderdag 21 november van 13.30 tot 14.30 uur. In zijn engelstalige presentatie gaat prof. Sandrolini in op “Supraharmonics from switched-mode power supplies in low-voltage grids”.
Emissions of Switched-Mode Power Supplies (SMPSs) in modern smart grids or low-voltage distribution networks in the 2-150 kHz “supraharmonics” frequency range require methods of analysis and techniques of measurement that cannot be derived directly from those in the “harmonics” frequency range (up to 2.4 kHz). Transient and nonstationary disturbance components necessitate suitable time-frequency methods and techniques for reliable and accurate estimation. After an initial theoretical and practical discussion of characteristics, objectives and weak points, systematic error and uncertainty of measurements are discussed, with the proposal of a set of recommendations.
Introduction Prof. Leonardo Sandrolini
Leonardo Sandrolini received the Laurea degree (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering in 1995 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2000, both from the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Since 2001, he is with the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering “Guglielmo Marconi” (DEI), University of Bologna, where is currently an Associate Professor teaching courses of Electrotechnics, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Applied Electromagnetism. His research interests are in the areas of electromagnetic field theory, electromagnetic compatibility (shielding, electromagnetic coupling, conducted emissions and power quality, electromagnetic characterisation of dispersive materials, electromagnetic interference in switching converters, electromagnetic interference in railways), electrical characterisation of renewable energy sources and wireless power transfer with resonant inductive coupling. He is the author of about 130 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences. He is the Scientific Coordinator of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility (LACEM) of the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering “Guglielmo Marconi”, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna. He is an Associate editor for the Wiley journals International Journal of Photoenergy and International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering and for the MDPI journal Electronics; he is a Member of the Advisory Board of Elsevier International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Prof. Sandrolini is a Senior Member of the IEEE, the Secretary of the IEEE EMC Society SC1 Smart Grids, a Member of the IEEE EMC Society TC 7 Electrical Systems and Power Electronics EMC and of the IEEE MTT Society TC MTT-26 Wireless Energy Transfer and Conversion.