Electronic Component Distributor

Reimagine Supply Chains

Since J2 Sourcing’s foundation in 2004, our goal has been to build a strong network of manufacturers, distributors, OEM and EMS companies. Our eco-system is vendor qualified, ensuring all delivered parts meet the manufacturers’ requirements.

We aim to support every industry segment to achieve efficiency in the supply chain while adhering to strict quality standards and excellent customer service.

  • Automotive
  • Industrial Automation
  • Medical
  • Aerospace and Defence
  • Energy and Agriculture
  • Telecommunications

    Our Services:

Global Sourcing
Global sourcing refers to the procurement of goods and components from suppliers located around the world in the electronic component industry.

Price Point Variance (PPV) is a metric used to measure the difference between the price of a product and the target price set by a manufacturer or supplier in the semiconductor industry.

Excess Solution
J2 Sourcing offers a complete excess inventory management service for the semiconductor industry. We provide 3 excess solutions: buying, virtual consignment, and physical consignment to fit customers’ needs.

Quality Assurance

Quality control and testing are crucial in the semiconductor sector, and J2 Sourcing recognizes this. To guarantee that the electronic components we supply live up to or beyond expectations, we provide quality control and testing services. Our experienced engineers and technicians use cutting-edge tools and techniques to evaluate and test electrical components thoroughly for performance and reliability.

Here you can see our QC process step by step:

1. Visual Inspection
2. Photography
3. Top Marking
4. RoHS verification
5. X-ray
6. Soldering Test
7. Decapsulation & Die inspection
8. Baking

Our Locations

 We have offices in 4 countries and do business with more than 60 countries:

J2 Sourcing AB
Kantyxegatan 29, SE - 21376 Malmö, Sweden
+46  40 67 27 250

J2 Aerospace
Unit 12 Horsted  Square, Bellbrook Business Park, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1QG, United Kingdom
+44 1825 703966

J2 Sourcing GK
Gran Tokyo South Tower 11F, 1-9-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
+81 80 2151 0225

J2 Sourcing Italy
+46  40 67 27 250


We are driven by one thing, and one thing only – adding value to our customers.

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