The deadline for the first registration round for E&A is Friday 13 February 2025. If you register before this date, you will be included as an exhibitor in the first concept layout of the floor plan. This way we can optimally take your wishes into account. In other words: with an early registration you have a greater chance of your desired location on the trade fair floor. 

Registered exhibitors will be the first to receive the concept map. They then have the opportunity to respond to the proposed stand location. This way, registered exhibitors have more say in the designated location.

Of course, companies can also register as a participant of E&A after 13 February 2025. However, the previously mentioned advantages are then less concrete. The first concept layout will be sent to the registered exhibitors in April.

Visit for participation options the website or send an email to

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches