A strong conference program is essential for a successful trade fair. The content program of LabNL is shaped by three themes:

  1. Life Science
  2. LabAnalysis: detection and separation techniques
  3. Lab2050

During the participants' meeting on December 2, we took the first steps with a group of thirty participants to fill in these themes. We are still looking for additional input to further strengthen the program. Do you have ideas or suggestions? Feel free to share them via wendy@fhi.nl.

Life Science

The Life science theme focuses on current developments such as 3D cell culture, protein transition and personalised medicine. We also pay attention to sustainability in the laboratory – an increasingly important topic for the sector.


Detection and separation techniques form the basis of laboratory technology. We zoom in on new techniques and methods that improve the productivity and accuracy of analyses. Topics that are discussed include low detection limits, microplastics, multiplex and TOC.


The research and technologies from today's labs will shape the world of tomorrow. In the Lab2050 program, we discuss progressive themes such as the protein transition, the use of AI, and the impact of automation on laboratories. How will lab work change and what will a laboratory look like in 2050? We will also investigate what these changes mean for the role of the analyst.

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches