The world of technology is changing at a rapid pace. One thing is certain: buildings are becoming increasingly smarter and are increasingly able to function completely autonomously and respond to the specific needs of their users. Today it is therefore even more important for data centers to work in a future-oriented manner.

Data centers come in many different forms and applications, depending on user needs. Choices about housing, power, cooling, security and connectivity must therefore be formulated before the environment is built. Taking into account a growth path of the installation and a replacement path after a useful life of the equipment. Once the data center is operational, it is necessary that it can provide an uptime guarantee to the users of the DC, with failures being practically reduced to "0". Many parameters that are included in decision-making are recorded in the various relevant standards and are the basis for a structural design.

Advisory role
Forehand advises on the choice of design by taking all these facets into account when determining the number and type of racks and especially the installation method and choice of infrastructure. Depending on the use, the various installation options are discussed, with budget and future-proofing being part of the advice. After all, a future choice for 400Gbp/s should not be inhibited by a limitation in your network topology.

IT Infrastructure
Collaboration with our high-quality manufacturers plays a key role in this. Thanks to intensive cooperation with our manufacturers, we can always offer the best solution. Many of our manufacturers will be present at the IT Infra trade fair on Tuesday, November 12. Are you curious about the possibilities? We look forward to seeing you at our stand!
