Cosel's AME series includes modular power supplies of 400 and 600W (with 4 slots) as well as 800 and 1200W (with 6 slots). The power supplies are suitable for both industrial applications (EN/UL62368-1) and medical applications (EN60601-1 / 2*MOPP).

The leakage current is less than 0.5mA and optionally even less than 0.15mA. In addition, the output voltages can be adjusted to a limited extent with a potentiometer and can be adjusted up to 0VDC with an external signal. The outputs can be switched on/off separately remotely with an external signal or with the 5VDC AUX. In addition, the outputs can also be switched together with the Global Inhibit. Finally, the outputs can be precisely set with remote sense.

AME serie Cosel

This series works with an intelligent fan with variable speed depending on the load and temperature. If necessary, its direction of rotation can be reversed. The series is equipped with OCP, OTP and OVP (Over Current Protection/Over Temperature Protection and Over Voltage Protection). Alarm signals are also provided that monitor the status of the input and output and there is the option of digital communication (via UART or PM-Bus).

These modular power supplies are extremely compact and do not exceed 1U. The similar modules can be connected in series or parallel and offer a 5-year warranty.

For more information, please contact our sales power engineers

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