Porter's value chain, also known as Porter's value chain, represents the competitive advantage of the organization. Value determines the amount buyers are willing to pay for a company's product or service. Optimization of the value chain within data centers can lead to substantial savings.

IT Infra ends the day with a key note van Ron den Biesen from Belgacloud who, together with Jos Theuns from ATEPS, discusses advanced technologies for energy and power systems. They use the new ultra-secure data center from Holland Datacenters as a good example. The presentation focuses on efficiency improvements of electrical systems.

Continuity in the data centers
Electrical connections in data centers: security or weakest link? In our digital society, a disruption of energy distribution in data centers can have far-reaching consequences. Nowadays we do more and more business online. The (partial) failure of IT systems can lead to, among other things, that online payment is no longer possible or that emergency services cannot be reached. Nobody wants that.

As a supplier of low and medium voltage energy distribution systems, Taco Dekker from Siemens will inform you how this can be prevented. He will guide you through finding the balance between the method of installation and documenting the correct quality documents.

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