During the kick-off of Bits, Bricks & Behaviour, the members involved opted for a physical conference on 9 November 2021. The Building Automation sector is also busy organising end-user meetings on 30 September at the Jaarbeurs and on 12 October at FHI in Leusden. The interaction between members and end-users becomes more concrete when you can also meet each other face-to-face. The activities are therefore being set up in that direction, but we will of course be alert to current developments.

A speakers' meeting will be held with the exhibitors of Bits, Bricks & Behaviour on Tuesday 24 August 2021. In that week we will make the concrete choices for speakers, the programme as a whole and the approach to visitor recruitment. Each exhibitor will be given the opportunity to nominate an end user as a speaker, in order to jointly shape the programme. Register as an exhibitor The site is already available now.

The program for Thursday September 30, 2021 will follow in a direct invitation to all members and that has not yet been fully determined. On Tuesday October 12, 2021, when the Building Automation sector has existed for ten years, the AGM will take place and speakers from VUMC and Sweco will share the vision on Healthcare Buildings. For this part, we will also invite other end users. Finally, there will be a festive gathering to celebrate the ten years together.

For healthcare buildings, the usual challenges for new construction, renewal, renovation, management and maintenance also exist. In addition, one wants to have the information of the users of the building available in a good way for the care process. How can the current technical possibilities be used to improve care?

The speakers and especially the discussions aim to inspire companies in the chain to continuously improve cooperation, apply new techniques and expand the possibilities with regard to data processing.

You can register for the October 12 meeting at FHI.

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches