In October 2019, TT&MS BV, in collaboration with its supplier ISOTECH,
provided a successful temperature calibration training for a number of maintenance and
calibration engineers of one of its customers.

Measuring temperature is one of the most measured quantities. Especially in aviation, measuring and monitoring a correct temperature contributes to reliability and safety. The Engine Services department of our client has chosen the ISOTECH 4000 series dry-block calibrators for its quality assurance. This is partly due to the extensive experience of ISOTECH, which has been active as a market leader in the calibration world for over 35 years. But also because of the flexibility, stability and mobility of the 4000 series. The advanced controller, in combination with the I Cal Easy software, supports the user in developing automated routines and measurement reports.

During the two-day training, among other things, the topics discussed were how to measure temperature and the correct use of a dry block or a liquid bath. But also how things are with Thermo Couples and Resistance Temperature Detectors has been discussed. In addition to the theoretical part, the practice has also been discussed extensively. We can therefore look back on an educational and successful time with our customer.


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