January 15, 2019: Cyber Security
At the request of our members, but especially the end users, we as the Industrial Automation trade association would like to see whether we can jointly set up an activity regarding Cyber Security within the Industry.
An activity in which members share their knowledge and expertise in the field of cyber resilience, among members but especially for the Dutch manufacturing and process industry and possibly within foreign sectors. It is important that concrete 'best practices' are discussed and dealt with so that, in addition to awareness, people are given tools to arm themselves against cyber risks.
Within the industry, numerous steps have been taken, such as the drafting of standards in the field of cyber security, defined as, among others, the IEC 62443. It is important that it is interpreted and implemented correctly, so that the whole becomes understandable and workable for the manufacturing and process industry in the Netherlands.
In the first brainstorming session on Tuesday January 15 we will see if there is support for an activity and we will inventory the mutual knowledge. Do you want to join this session? Then send a message to Petra Kortenoeven.
January 17, 2019: theme meeting 'Hydrogen'
On Thursday 17 January, the Industrial Automation sector is organising a network meeting on the use of hydrogen in the energy network & the process industry, with an emphasis on the technical implications. Four speakers will provide insight into ongoing projects and current issues. The meeting will take place at the Van der Valk hotel in Duiven. As a member of the Industrial Automation sector and/or the Liquid and Energy platforms, you can register for this meeting free of charge. To do so, send an email to: susanne@fhi.nl.
January 29, 2019: Production Process Automation (PPA) event
Effectiveness and efficiency have been the keywords for the production and process industry over the years. Current developments around Industry 4.0, the Industrial Internet of Things, Big Data and therefore also Cyber Security require concrete and at the same time strategic choices. There is a transition to new technology but what is the roadmap? The Production Process Automation (PPA) event on Tuesday 29 January 2019 offers knowledge transfer to the industrial end user and system integrator to make the right choices. Both in the context of technological innovations and in the cooperation with the chain.
March 26, 2019: Industrial Ethernet event
Industrial Ethernet has become indispensable in the production environment. Process automation is quickly following suit. This offers numerous advantages, including speed, cost reduction, diagnostic options and remote engineering.
With fewer technical staff, these are advantages that can give an industry the distinctive edge over fellow companies within the sector. Industrial Ethernet event will take place on Tuesday 26 March 2019 in De Basiliek in Veenendaal. Participation as an exhibitor is still possible. Please send an email to: susanne@fhi.nl.
Automatic Identification & Data Handling
During a brainstorming session with the companies involved, the Auto ID event in its current form was evaluated at the end of December. In addition, the possibilities for a new concept were examined. During an inventory among the attendees, work areas, technologies and current issues from the market were discussed. The desire for an event in the current format remains, FHI is thinking about a new title and is working out the (concept) content. A request for interest in participation will follow. Would you like to be kept informed of this and have you not received the feedback from this session? Then send a message to Petra Kortenoeven.