The Indispensable Fair for the Laboratory Sector

From September 24, you can visit the 150 exhibitors of World of Laboratory for the latest technologies, innovations and solutions for laboratories. From lab furnishings to analytical instruments, lab automation, chemicals and life science solutions, this fair features a wide range of companies active in the laboratory sector. The extensive lecture program highlights current themes and provides practical information on essential topics such as safety and quality. By participating in an X-pedition you get an overview of the latest trends and developments in specific fields.

Come visit and discover what the future of laboratories has to offer!

Sustainability Program

Date Subject
Wednesday September 25 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Sustainability in the lab Seminar
September 24 to 27 Continuous X-pedition Sustainable solutions for your lab

Seminar Sustainability in the lab

For many labs, sustainability in and around the laboratory is an important point of attention. A laboratory is not an average office and making the lab more sustainable therefore entails additional challenges. Laboratories are highly specialized spaces where high standards are applied, yet laboratory technicians can also take various steps to make the lab more sustainable. In the seminar “Sustainability in the lab” various steps are discussed and you will learn more about how you can contribute to making the laboratory more sustainable.

This seminar is provided by experts from Green Labs NL

Seminar Quality, why is it important?

X-pedition: Sustainable Solutions for your Lab

Discover sustainable solutions for your lab during the X-pedition. Get to know companies that offer sustainable innovations and be inspired to get started yourself. Take the tour past four participating companies and gain practical insights through interactive demos.

Circular Steps with BOOM Climb up the R-Ladder with BOOM and discover various sustainable products and solutions. Get started right away on making your workspace more sustainable.

Pre-owned Equipment at LabMakelaar Benelux Discover how you can furnish your lab space sustainably with pre-owned high-end laboratory furnishings and equipment.

BioBased Consumables at Eppendorf Learn about BioBased Lab Consumables from Eppendorf and take the next step in making your research more sustainable.

Reduce Plastic Waste with NBS Scientific NBS Scientific shows you how to reduce the plastic waste stream with recycled sample storage racks and a reuse laundry service.

Waste Management and Decontamination at LED Techno At LED Techno you will learn how to manage waste safely and sustainably and decontaminate your lab efficiently.

Each stand asks you a question about sustainability. After completing the X-pedition you will receive a present. Follow the X-pedition sustainability every day of the fair week.
