
Op dinsdag 4 februari van 10.00 – 16.00 uur organiseert de EMC-ESD vereniging samen met ELaadNL een kennismarkt.
Het thema van deze dag is: “EMC of EV charging: a Power Quality Perspective”.
Preliminary Program
9.30 Reception
10.00 Welcome by ElaadNL
10.05 Intro EMC-ESD Association and ElaadNL, Arthur Hartsuiker and Thijs van Wijk
10.20 Elaad Testlab & Power Quality research, Thijs van Wijk | ElaadNL
10.45 Conducted Emissions up to 150 kHz from DC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, Tycho van Leersum | UTwente
11.20 The DSO Perspective: impact of PQ and EMC on the grid, Sjef Cobben | TU Eindhoven
12.00 Lunch and tour Testlab
13.00 Statistical Modelling of EM emissions in Multiple Power Electronic Converters, Erjon Ballukja | UTwente
13.30 Metrology for EV charging systems, Helko van den Brom | National Metrology Instritute
14.00 Monitoring Power Quality, Arthur Hartsuiker | CN Rood
14.20 Grid Impedance Measurement as a key parameter for PQ and Grid Operation, Christhoph Klie | morEnergy
15.00 Panel discussion
15.20 Networking drink
Locatie: ELaadNL Testlab, IPKW | Westervoortsedijk 73 | Arnhem.
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