Exide Technologies

The perfect combination of 2 innovative Exide divisions

About Exide Energy Solutions & Customized Energy Systems

Exide‘s Energy Solutions division is a leader in developing and manufacturing advanced stationary energy storage solutions that function as essential backup power or energy management systems and seamlessly integrate renewable energies. Its innovative battery technologies are based on both lead-acid and lithium-ion and are thoroughly engineered to provide tailor-made solutions for backup power and in-front-of- and behind-the-meter applications. Exide caters to a diverse range of industries, including UPS, telecommunication, utility production, datacenters, emergency, railway, medical and many more.

Their lithium-ion based energy storage solutions (ESS) serve a multitude of applications, including renewable energy, time shift, self-consumption, frequency control, peak shaving, fast charging and energy trading. They are utilized for electric vehicle charging, renewable energy integration and more. Exide’s Energy Solutions products are known for their unmatched functionality and reliability. They provide new revenue streams for customers, enable the energy transition, and enhance energy efficiency

Exide's Customized Energy Systems division offers smart energy storage solutions, based on innovative lithium-ion battery technology, that solve the challenges of today and tomorrow. We develop, build and deliver energy storage solutions to support the transition from fossil energy to renewable energy sources. Our modular solutions phase out pollution and noise, and enable businesses to become ‘greener’, productive and in control of their energy usage and costs.

Discover how Customized Energy Systems can energize your business by solving challenges in:

  • Boosting
  • Balancing
  • Operating
  • Generating
  • Trading



About Exide Technologies

Exide Technologies (www.exidegroup.com) is a leading provider of innovative and sustainable battery storage solutions for automotive and industrial applications. With 135 years of experience, Exide has developed and globally marketed innovative batteries and systems, contributing to the energy transition, and driving a cleaner future. Exide's comprehensive range of lead-acid and lithium-ion solutions serves various applications, including 12V batteries for combustion and electric vehicles, traction batteries for material handling and robotics, stationary batteries for uninterruptible power supply, telecommunication, utility in-front-of and behind-the-meter energy storage and propulsion batteries for submarines and more. Exide Technologies' culture and strategy are centered around recycling, sustainability, and environmental responsibility, reflecting the commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen.

The company has 10 manufacturing and 3 recycling facilities across Europe, ensuring resilience and a low CO2 footprint with a local supply chain. Exide Technologies is committed to superior engineering and manufacturing. With a team of 5,000 employees, the company provides €1.6bn of energy storage solutions and services to customers worldwide, every year.


Naw gegevens

Exide Technologies
Nijverheidsweg 35
3161 GJ Rhoon

Tel: 0620551734

Mevrouw S. vermeulen
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Energy Storage Event

Het Energy Storage event informeert u met een breed programma met lezingen over energieopslag. U krijgt inzicht in de laatste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van energy storage. De neutrale kennisoverdracht biedt u deskundigheid over de voordelen met de technologie.

Met aangescherpt beleid voor de verduurzaming van de economie, de opkomst van wind- en zonne-energie en dalende accuprijzen ontstaan nieuwe business cases voor energieopslag.

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Power Electronics Event

Het Power Electronics Event vindt plaats op 14 juni 2022. Nieuw dit jaar is de combinatie met het Energy Storage event. Vermogenselektronica en energieopslag kennen veel raakvlakken en zijn veelal onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Profiteer tijdens de gecombineerde editie van de aanwezige vakkennis op het gebied van zowel vermogenselektronica als energieopslag. De breedte van de markt, namelijk toepassers, ontwikkelaars, toeleveranciers en kennisinstituten komen bijeen op het Power Electronics en Energy Storage event. Met vakgenoten worden visies, ervaringen en kennis uitgewisseld.

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Telecom Infra

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Net als voorgaande edities mikt het Telecom Infra event zich op providers/ operators, installateurs, gebouweigenaren en diverse technische marktgebieden waarin telecominfrastructuur wordt gebruikt. Zowel sprekers als exposanten laten u zien hoe de grote diversiteit aan telecomtechnologie optimaal benut kan worden. 

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IT Infra

IT Infra geeft u antwoorden

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  • De impact van 5G op rekencentra
  • Duurzame energiebronnen en de leveringszekerheid voor datacenters
  • Elektrisch vervoer en de data-explosie
  • Toekomstige databehoeftes voor online ondernemen

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