Dear visitor of RF Technology event 2020,

Acal BFI Nederland BV will be participating in the event of RF Technology, which will be held from 1-3 December 2020. Our partner Tabor Electronics will give a webinar on test strategies and architectures for RF systems involving tens or hundreds of tightly aligned RF and Microwave signals.

In this webinar they will review the RF test requirements or different application areas like 5G, Phase-Array Radar or Quantum Computing where tens of RF signals must be generated, acquired and analyzed simultaneously, often in real-time conditions, and where traditional VSAs and VSGs are not a good match. These applications require a precise timing and phase control of each one of the involved signals, a convenient integration architecture, and an excellent cost per channel.

Possible solutions with the new Proteus AWT (Arbitrary Wavefomr Transceiver) will be demonstrated, emphasizing the benefits and advantages for your day to day work, such as direct to/from RF/uW capabilities, scalable architecture supporting tens of simultaneous cohorent transmitters and receivers, a user-customizable internal FPGA, and low cost per channel.

Feel free to read more and register for the webinar via this link: website van het RF Technology event.

Contact us or email to find out more about how we can help you on your challenges with the RF systems journey.

Kind Regards,

Elsa Kamberi
Marcom Manager

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches
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