2:00 PM – 2:25 PM
Track: Holistic architecture
Complexity: Intermediate
Security Operations teams feel increasingly more pressure to evolve fast, alongside the struggle to scale up to ever more effective and complex threats. For the industrial sector, there is a double-edged sword: not only is the IT security space tough enough to get under control, but OT security is still a black box to many organizations.
Dedicated technologies, personnel and processes must be built separately from IT to truly be functional. Meanwhile, attackers are getting more ambitious and precise. Faster than SOCs can evolve, as they are already buried by their existing IT workload.
Sometimes OT monitoring tools are layered on top of existing SOC infrastructure in the hope of getting some visibility, but often end up being more noise generating problems then detection insights solutions.
In this session, SoterICS will share deep, real-world insights, and present solutions and directions for blue teams to defeat the OT beast.
Speaker: Nick Peeters – SoterICS