Register for the exhibition training!

How do you ensure that relevant visitors come to your stand? What do you want to get out of the conversations? And how do you deal with less relevant visitors? All employees who represent your company during exhibitions and events will receive answers to these and other questions during the exhibition training on Wednesday, September 11. The exhibition training is relevant for the WoTS but also for your participation in other exhibitions and events. Register your stand staff via the button below.

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Register for the exhibition training


Exhibitor drinks

Save the date! On Thursday, September 26 from 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM, as WoTS exhibitors, you and your stand staff are very welcome to the traditional exhibitor drinks reception. After three days of the fair, a little relaxation is in order. Of course we will also announce the winners of the Marketing Communication Cup and the High Tech Trophy. Together with the band, a snack and a drink we will have a party.

Register for the exhibitor drinks

Exposure options Faircom

Would you like to draw extra attention to your exhibition participation during the WoTS? Faircom Media offers various exposure options on and around the Jaarbeurs site. They offer a total solution by translating the exhibitor’s wishes into an item with the right impact. If you are interested in extra media attention during the exhibition, this is the time to take action.

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Would you like to participate in the exhibition gadget?

For many visitors, the trade exhibition is one of the reasons to come to the WoTS. With such high expectations, the bar is set high for exhibitors. This year, the participants in the gadget project unanimously opted for the environmental monitor: a device that measures, among other things, gases in the air and sound. The design is almost ready, the bill of materials has been determined, but we are still looking for enthusiastic exhibitors who want to sponsor the monitor.

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