Beer brewing 2.0: discover it on the WoTS

The World of Industry, Technology & Science (WoTS) offers visitors and exhibitors all possibilities to transfer knowledge, present themselves and look forward to a solution-oriented approach. This is where the social aspect of a trade fair emerges inextricably: the drink.

Beer consists of four ingredients: water, malt, hops and yeast. For centuries we have understood the art of brewing beer from these four basic ingredients. Nothing has changed in the chemical process, but we have made it easier thanks to technology. Until not so long ago, every step had to be prepared manually. Breweries worked more on feeling than on the basis of concrete measurement data.

Dirk Kop, Technical Manager at JUMO, tells what is involved before the beer flows from the tap. During the Digitization: use & visualization of data, he gives a presentation about this. During the seminar Dirk explains the brewing process and answers the question: what determines the degree of carbonation, taste and fullness of beer?

“ If you dissect a modern brewery, ” says Dirk, “ you unravel a complex process consisting of numerous parts. And at various levels there is extensive digitization here. To give you a modest presentation: Single Pair Ethernet, IO-Link, PROFINET, PLC control, a screen and of course a visualization system. And with the visualization system you can watch online what is going on within the brewing process. ”

One of the advantages of automation is that we can increasingly change the different parameters more specifically. We are now able to turn the buds very purposefully, so that we can brew a variety of beer with an alternation in taste and experience.

“ A small adjustment in the ingredients influences the final result, ” explains Dirk. “ The automation used by breweries is a huge efficiency boost. ” The difference between traditional and modern breweries is significant. A modern brewery is an industrial environment. Only the reception area still refers to the classic copper boilers and rough men with large leather aprons. Dirk emphasizes that the automation step is responsible for the enormous leap in efficiency that has changed the beer brewing process. “ Thanks to automation we now have a huge variety of beautiful beers to choose from, ” he concludes.

During his presentation Dirk explains why measurement data such as temperature, pressure, flow and level are important and how they fulfill their task in controlling the process. In addition to JUMO, Kensan, EUCHNER and Yokogawa also contribute to the seminar.

Curious? Register for the World of Industry, Technology & Science and follow the Digitization seminar: Use & Visualization of Data on September 27. Visit the website for more information.

New solutions and innovations central during WoTS

One of the reasons why the largest industrial trade fair in the Benelux never ages is because of the market introduction of the latest technological pearls. The World of Industry, Technology & Sience (WoTS) is the perfect time to publicize the latest products and most daring innovations.

The High Tech Trophy, the innovation prize awarded during the WoTS, was created specifically to stimulate innovation and encourage exhibitors.

Van Beek uses WoTS 2024 to put their latest innovation in the spotlight. The company shows their latest screw heat exchanger. With this they immediately touch on the subject of sustainability and electrification in the process industry.

At the WoTS, the world of tomorrow comes alive.

During the seminar Sustainability & Circularity in the process industry, Perry Verberne, director at Van Beek, takes the stage to introduce their latest addition to thermal screw transport.

The new machine that Van Beek has developed is closely in line with the trend of far-reaching electrification and sustainability. “ A seminar is the perfect time to delve deeper into this, ” says Perry. During this seminar, the focus is not on their latest machine, but on the implications and potential that electrification and sustainability have on the process industry. “ And that new machine, which you can watch live at our stand, ” says Perry.

Perry says that their latest product can deliver 25 percent energy savings in the drying or heating process. In addition, the switch to electric heating or drying results in a reduction of CO2 emissions.

During the seminar Sustainability & Circularity in the process industry, in addition to Van Beek, KROHNE, Hiflux and Efaflex are also in the spotlight. Step into the world of tomorrow and be amazed.

Do you want to know more? The visitor registration has been opened. Go to the website and compile your own seminar program.

Almost seventy years of technology fair: from Het Instrument to the World of Industry, Technology & Science

This year we celebrate the fifth edition of the World of Industry, Technology & Science. But did you know that the largest industrial trade fair in the Benelux has been around since 1956? We look back at almost 70 years of technology trade fair and discuss with Corné Reuvers of Beun-De Ronde how the role of the trade fair has changed over the years.

On September 26, 1956, the RAI opened its doors for the first edition of Het Instrument. At the time, the fair is a partnership between 41 companies with a desire to run their own course. They were dissatisfied with the range of exhibitions and fairs at the time. For example, Mr. W.J. de Koning of N.V. Kipp of Delft wrote on November 13, 1953: “To Heeren Manufacturers and Traders in the field of Laboratory equipment. The number of exhibitions, to which our companies are invited to participate, has become too large. For various reasons the return on participation in exhibitions is not in accordance with the high costs, which are associated with them.”

After several years of correspondence and meetings, the Association Het Instrument is founded on March 7, 1956. In September that year, the first edition of the fair with the same name which, despite the short preparation time, is a great success, follows. The goal of the companies involved is clear: an independent fair with self-determination in program, layout and promotion, to enable contact between members and the market.

Technological development

In the years that follow, not only the shape and size of the fair changes, but also the range of exhibitors. Corné Reuvers, managing director at Beun-De Ronde confirms that: “There is a huge difference in the offerings. Beun de Ronde sold small laboratory instruments. Over the years that has completely shifted to application-driven equipment.” Beun-De Ronde is one of 41 companies involved in the founding of Het Instrument and has a rich history of its own.

Corné explains that trade show participation, before the advent of the Internet, was mainly about name recognition. “When I was still in laboratory school, we went to the trade fair by bus for a day. That’s where you first got to know the participating companies. Of course, with the advent of the Internet, that has changed. Trade fairs have become more of a meeting place. A place for customers and suppliers to catch up in a different environment.”

After the corona crisis, trade shows and events are entering a new era. In a world where video calling has become the norm, Corné says there is still room for a physical trade show. “People need contact with each other. Sometimes video calling is fine, but if you’re making a big investment, it’s important to build a relationship of trust. Therefore, there is real value in personal contact among other things during a trade show. In addition, a trade show also gives energy to our own organization. Our salespeople and product specialists are on the road a lot, and the trade show is a time to connect with each other as well. It’s almost a kind of team building.”


In 2014, Het Instrument will enter into cooperation with FEDA’s Industrial Automation & Drives trade fair. From then on, both fairs will continue under the name World of Technology & Science. The fair will consist of four worlds: World of Automation, World of Laboratory, World of Motion & Drives and World of Electronics. From 2018, Machevo & Bulk will also become an official partner and the title Industrial Processing will be present on the show floor. From 2022, it will be the World of Industrial Processing.

2024 is the year the WoTS reinvents itself. The world of technology is innovating and the WoTS is moving along. World of Automation, World of Motion & Drives and World of Industrial Processing will be merged into one world: the World of Industry. With that, the title of the fair also changes to World of Industry, Technology & Science.

Federation Het Instrument was founded with the aim of organizing an independent trade fair where suppliers could interact with the market. At the time, cooperation was the basis for the creation of the fair and FHI. After almost 70 years, much has changed, but we are all the more aware of the power of cooperation to achieve technological innovations as well as solutions.

From September 24 to 27, 2024, the fifth edition of the World of Industry, Technology & Science will take place in the Jaarbeurs, Utrecht. Visit the website for more information and register to attend.

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