Winstar introduces three OLED displays with touchscreen. The models vary from 1.54 inch to 3.2 inch. the two smallest models are based on Chip On Glass technology, the largest display is based on Chip on Foil technology. The displays are ideal for smart home applications, intelligent technology devices, meter devices, industrial control system, medical instrument, etc.

Three new models:

  • WEO012864A 1.54 inch COG (Chip-On-Glass) OLED with CTP Touch Screen
  • WEO0WEO012864Q-CTP  12864Q 2.7 inch COG (Chip-On-Glass) OLED with CTP Touch Screen
  • WEX025664B 3.12 inch COF (Chip-On-Foil) OLED with CTP Touch Screen

The main features per display are shown on the website. If you want to know more, please contact Nijkerk Electronics.

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