White Paper - RF & Microwave Test: What is the Optimum Strategy?

White Paper - RF & Microwave Test: What is the Optimum Strategy? Door: CN Rood

CN Rood is op 18 april als exposant aanwezig op het RF Technology Event. In aanloop naar het event geven we u met diverse post een beeld van de T&M apparatuur en demo’s die u tijdens het event van ons kan verwachten. In deze blog delen we een Whitepaper van Pickering, op het event presenteren we het chassis uit deze White Paper.

White Paper:

For the OEMs of RF and microwave products, verification through test is a crucial part of their quality assurance. However, the design and construction of automated test equipment (ATE) is a considerable drain on engineering resources, taking engineers away from their core product development duties.

It is the responsibility of the business owners, directors, and other stakeholders to employ a strategy that minimizes that drain on resources while ensuring the ATE produced is fit-for-purpose and that tests are highly repeatable. Also, in the event of an increase in production, it may be necessary to produce an identical ATE later. Again, this must have minimal impact on day-today product development tasks.

In this white paper, we consider the three ways in which an RF/microwave ATE might be designed and built , specifically focusing on the signal switching and distribution subsystem.


Download White Paper: RF & Microwave Test: What is the Optimum Strategy?