Pico Vector Network Analyser for the many

Pico Vector Network Analyser for the many Door: CN Rood

Once the domain of an elite few, microwave measurement has encroached into the lives of scientists, educators, surveyors, inspectors, engineers, and technicians alike. Today’s microwave measurements need to be straightforward, portable, accurate, cost-effective and easy to learn.

PicoVNAs are all-new, UK-designed, professional USB-controlled, laboratory-grade vector network instruments of unprecedented performance, portability, and value for money. Despite their simple outline, small footprint, and low cost, the instruments boast a four-receiver architecture to minimize the uncorrectable errors, delays, and unreliability of internal transfer switches.

Many owners and users of a vector network analyzer insist upon an automated calibration solution. Some of the benefits are obvious: automation can provide extra speed, efficiency and a simplified process. But did you know that automated VNA calibration can also improve overall calibration quality and even reduce uncertainties or errors?

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