The Winstar WEO025664D model is a COG type Graphic OLED; it’s diagonal size 3.55 inch, made of 256×64 pixels. This WEO025664D module is built in with SSD1322 IC; it supports 6800/8080 parallel and 3-wire/4-wire SPI interface, 16 (4bits) gray scale, driving duty 1/64, supply voltage for logic is from 3.3V, supply voltage for display is 16V, the display with 50% Check board current is 35mA @16Vcc (typical value).

This OLED module is suitable for medical applications, control panel, self-checkouts machines, ticket machines, parking meters, etc. The WEO025664D module can be operating at temperatures from -40℃ to +80℃; its storage temperatures range from -40℃ to +85℃.




Dot Matrix

256 x 64 Dots

Module dimension

99.2 x 33.5 x 2.01 mm

Active Area

87.52 x 21.28 mm

Pixel Size

0.312 x 0.303 mm

Pixel Pitch

0.342 x 0.333 mm

Display Mode

Passive Matrix

Display Color

White /Yellow

Drive Duty

1/64 Duty

Gray Scale

4 bits






3.55 inch



For more information please contact Nijkerk Electronics.

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