Electro Rent Europe

Electro Rent is a leading global provider of testing and technology solutions that enable its customers to accelerate innovation and optimize investments. Electro Rent’s rental, lease and asset management solutions serve industry-leading innovators in communications, aerospace and defence, automotive, energy, education and general electronics, and have done so since 1965.

More information is available at www.electrorent.com. Electro Rent has offices in 27 countries across the Americas, EMEA and Asia.

Electro Rent is a registered trademark of Electro Rent. All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Naw gegevens

Electro Rent Europe
Generaal de wittelaan 9
B-2800 Mechelen

Tel: 0032015740800

De heer D. Sarri
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RF Technology Event

The participants are showing us which new RF technologies are (coming) available, which applications are available and which new technologies will come next. Knowledge and practical developments are central in both the plenary and parallel sessions of the seminar. The entire width of the market, appliers, developers, suppliers and institutes, are brought together at the RF Technology Days. Vision, experience and capabilities are getting shared with colleagues.

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Telecom Infra

Het Telecom Infra event  is hét platform voor actuele informatie over mobiele netwerken en telecominfrastructuur. Het programma gaat deze editie specifiek in op breedbandtechnologie, LTE (4G) en indoor wireless.

Net als voorgaande edities mikt het Telecom Infra event zich op providers/ operators, installateurs, gebouweigenaren en diverse technische marktgebieden waarin telecominfrastructuur wordt gebruikt. Zowel sprekers als exposanten laten u zien hoe de grote diversiteit aan telecomtechnologie optimaal benut kan worden. 

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